Emotions allow more variety to a Sim's feelings during a certain situation. These are Emotions, Physical, Talents, Preferences, Menstrual Cycles, Sickness, and Memory. Slice of Life is a collection of mods that target different areas of a Sim’s life. As with the original version of the game, traits will affect your social life, emotions, motives, skills, and career. The mod also expands the list of personality types you can give to your Sim-all of which are based on Myers-Briggs profiles. With Slice of Life, it prompts physical changes to your Sims like blushes, bruises, and pimples. The single-player life simulation game has stood out from The Sims series as it focuses on personality rather than capabilities however, it lacks the same physical reactions that we have in real life.

Slice of Life Mod adds more realism to Sims 4.